

The Tools You Need

As a distributor, what tools do you need to run and scale your business effectively? More importantly, do you have those tools readily available to you? Technology In a fast-paced world that is constantly demanding we do more, more quickly,  havin...

February 7th, 2024|Marketing, Networking, Professional development, Promo|Comments Off on The Tools You Need

A True Partner

Why do people join Proforma? If you ask members of the Proforma Family why they chose to partner with Proforma, you’ll get a variety of responses. Some made their way here because of the strategic partnerships with our Supplier Partners. The level of v...

The Chronicles of PPAI Expo: Fun with Friends, Discovering Trends 

We don’t mean to brag, but we’re back from a truly amazing week at PPAI Expo! After collecting our thoughts – and catching up on sleep – we are ready to share all about our incredible experience and what we learned about some of the hottest trend...

January 25th, 2024|E-Commerce, Marketing, Networking, Promo, travel, spontaneity, trade shows, promo, networking, promotional products, custom promo|Comments Off on The Chronicles of PPAI Expo: Fun with Friends, Discovering Trends 

Moments: Tactical Travel

Sometimes in life, you have to decide to take the leap and go somewhere in the spur of the moment. The travel bug is strong with so many people, so why not lean into it and encourage travel for events like trade shows, networking events, company retrea...

January 18th, 2023|Custom Promo, Networking, Promo, Promotional Products, Spontaneity, Trade Shows, Travel|Comments Off on Moments: Tactical Travel

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